TWAEA Organized Study Tour to Japan for Assisting Higher Education Institutions to Seize Key Opportunities


Considering that higher education worldwide is facing the impact of internationalization and low birth rate, knowing how to strengthen school performance and achievements has become an essential issue for universities in Taiwan. In order to help universities respond more quickly and fully to society's challenges, TWAEA organized the "2019 Study Group on University Innovation Management and Development Strategy in Japan (Kanto Region)".

The study group was comprised of 22 delegates from 14 universities. During the trip from 30th September to 4th October, the delegation group has visited the University of Tsukuba, Komazawa University, Shobi University, the University of Tokyo, Tokyo Institute of Technology, and the Japan Association of National Universities (JANU). The study group was conducted in a positive way that it actually helped to solidify the relationship among one another and all participants have benefited from the interaction with attendees from Japan.

Drawing on the experience of Japanese universities in school management and institutional research, TWAEA looks forward to providing a platform for universities to engage in outreach activities globally instead of locally. We wish to have sincere cooperation with all institutions, and work together to create a more glorious tomorrow for development of higher education in Taiwan.

TWAEA has worked hard to promote the professional knowledge and skill related to accreditation and also the provision of accreditation services. To enhance the quality in higher education is always the mission of TWAEA. In recent years, TWAEA not only has started to join the members of the international accreditation organizations, but also worked closely with professional associations in Japan, Thailand, Europe, Russia, New Zealand, Croatia, Hong Kong and Macau for further cooperation.