Establish Broader
Perspective. Motivate Fundamental Innovation.
On 11th of July, 2018, Taiwan Assessment and Evaluation Association (TWAEA) had led Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBAA) to visit Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science, an industrial elite training base subsidized by Ministry of Education, to learn more about the characteristics of technological and vocational education in Taiwan.
Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science has long been deeply involved in the fields of pharmacy, food, nutrition and health care, cosmetics, medicinal chemistry and biotechnology. “Industrial Hygiene Laboratory” was set up in 1994 and later on, more faculties and experts from industries with expertise in analysis and testing were included to expand the facilities and equipment. “Analysis and Testing Center” was established in 2006 and in 2008, it was certified by National Certification Foundation (TAF) with the commitments to cultivate talents in pharmacology and health industries.
Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science specially showed FIBAA delegation the "Talent Cultivation for Analytical Testing and Regional Technology Alliance Base" which was opened in Feb., 2018 with the investment of more than 60 million. The development purpose of this base is closely related to the government's Forward-looking Infrastructure Development’s 2 key perspectives which are "Food Safety Development" and "Talents Cultivation for Employment”. In the meanwhile, the base is the only one located in the university, which is comparable to American analysis and testing industry base. It is expected to become the center of Southern Taiwan to cultivate more talents for analysis and testing, and meet the needs of the pharmacology and health industries.
After the on-site visits to several technological and vocational colleges and university, FIBAA delegation learned that our institutions have fully cooperated with national policy development and industrial needs, and paid lots of attentions to students' pragmatic efforts and intentions. In addition to act as a bridge between FIBAA and local colleges and universities, TWAEA also opens up FIBAA staff's knowledge and understanding of Taiwan's technological and vocational education. In the future, TWAEA looks forward to assisting Taiwan's technological and vocational education to enhance visibility and make the transformation of Taiwan's higher education more internationalized.