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From July 9-12, 2024, the Taiwan Assessment and Evaluation Association (TWAEA) conducted a successful on-site visit to Nakhon Si Thammarat Rajabhat University (NSTRU) in Thailand. This marked the completion of the first on-site evaluation as part of the International Joint Accreditation Standards (iJAS) project, a collaborative effort among TWAEA, the Japan University Accreditation Association (JUAA), and Thailand’s Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment (ONESQA).
TWAEA's Secretary-General and Assistant Secretary-General visited Japan to collaborate with the Japan University Accreditation Association (JUAA) and the Mongolian National Council for Education Accreditation (MNCEA) on matters related to the iJAS international joint accreditation. The three parties also discussed the timeline for the accreditation process for universities in Mongolia.
TWAEA held an online meeting with the Japan University Accreditation Association (JUAA) and Thailand's Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment (ONESQA) to discuss matters related to the iJAS international joint accreditation, specifically the on-site visit for the pilot review in Thailand.
On April 25, 2024, the Japan University Accreditation Association (JUAA) held an online briefing session on the International Joint Accreditation Standards (iJAS) project for Vietnam Japan University (VJU). During the session, reviewer Dr. An-Chi Liu provided an in-depth analysis of the accreditation criteria and key points for preparing the self-assessment report.
Representatives from the Japan University Accreditation Association (JUAA) and Thailand's Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment (ONESQA) visited Taiwan to collaborate with TWAEA on matters related to the iJAS international joint accreditation. The three parties also discussed the timeline for conducting the pilot evaluation in Thailand.
台灣評鑑協會與日本大學基準協會共同推動「iJAS國際聯合認證計畫」,並於2019年12月1日在日本東京辦理首次「iJAS國際聯合認證」授證典禮,特別頒發證書予台灣「嘉南藥理大學」(Chia Nan University of Pharmacy & Science)及日本「秋田國際教養大學」(Akita International University),雙方理事長均親自出席大會,首次獲得肯定的嘉南藥理大學及秋田國際教養大學,皆由校長親自領軍,接受公開表揚與肯定
台灣評鑑協會與日本大學基準協會共同推動「iJAS國際聯合認證計畫」,並於2019年10月26日在台灣台北辦理首次「iJAS國際聯合認證」授證典禮,特別頒發證書予台灣「嘉南藥理大學」(Chia Nan University of Pharmacy & Science)及日本「秋田國際教養大學」(Akita International University),雙方理事長均親自出席大會,首次獲得肯定的嘉南藥理大學及秋田國際教養大學,皆由校長親自領軍,接受公開表揚與肯定