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Perspective. Motivate Fundamental Innovation.
TWAEA successfully completed an on-site visit from April 8 to 10, 2024, for the review of the International Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Tertiary Education (ISG), organized by the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE). TWAEA proudly became the world's first professional QA agency to receive the ISG review. In recognition of this accomplishment, TWAEA Chairperson has been invited to share insights from the review process at the INQAAHE International Forum, to be held in Romania from June 10 to 12, 2024.
TWAEA participated in the international conference titled "The Present and Future of Student Engagement in Higher Education Quality Assurance," organized by the Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan (HEEACT).
To explore how quality assurance can assist higher education institutions in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) amid globalization trends, the TWAEA co-hosted the 2023 International Webinar on Quality Assurance in Higher Education with the Japan University Accreditation Association (JUAA) and Thailand's Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment (ONESQA) on October 17, 2023, at 1:30 PM.
台評會赴新加坡參與APQN年會暨國際研討會,並獲邀於研討會中發表跨境實務研究成果「改善學生對教學方法之體驗:亞太區域四地之比較研究」(Improving Student Experience of Teaching Methods: Learning from a Comparative Study of Four Asia-Pacific Regions)
有感於全球正面臨新冠肺炎COVID-19危機席捲的風暴中,美國高等教育認可評議委員會(Council for Higher Education Accreditation,CHEA)於5月6日特別針對此一主題召開網絡研討會,台灣評鑑協會亦派員同步參與網路研討,共同探索在全球遠距教學需求成長之情形下,成功進行在線教學的關鍵要素,以及如何藉由專業評鑑機構的功能發揮,充分扮演好品質保證的角色
2019 ONESQA 國際論壇於11月30日在泰國曼谷舉辦,今年以《21世紀強化教育質量的品保機制》(Quality Assurance for Education Quality Enhancement in the 21st Century)為主題,探討全球關注的教育品保議題,會中特別邀請台評會容繼業理事擔任分組座談演講嘉賓,就高等教育品保體系進行經驗分享,說明台灣教育現況與未來展望,同時於會中進行深入交流與研討